Carmen Tapia – Snake Necklace


Carmen Tapia

Guerrero, Mexico

Chain: 24 in, Pendant: 3 in

0.925 Silver, 14k Gold, Carnelian Stone, Rubies and Tahitian Black Pearls


Carmen Tapia, designer, preserves and refines her family’s tradition of fabricating jewelry in metals and stones. Carmen has won numerous prizes in significant jewelry design competitions in Mexico and the U.S.; her work has been exhibited in galleries, museums, events and fairs and she also teaches design at the university level. Carmen is currently a member of Ars Faber, a design group at the cutting edge of design and adornment. A native Taxquenian, Carmen’s biggest influence has been her father, Ezequiel, a respected sculptor in silver and stone.

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Chain: 24 in, Pendant: 3 in