Lupe Marin – Diego Rivera’s First Wife


Ignacio Asúnsolo

Retrato de Lupe Marin

Weight: 24.2 lb., Height: 21.5 in, Length:10 in, Width: 9.5 in


Technique: Bronze Sculpture on Wood Base


Ignacio Asúnsolo (1890-1965) was born in Durango, Mexico. By 1904 he was studying at the Scientific and Literary Institute of Chihuahua. In 1908 he entered the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature where he was awarded his first professorship.

Asúnsolo participated in the Mexican revolution from 1913 to 1917, mainly through artistic expression.

In 1919, he was awarded a scholarship which allowed him to go to Europe to study at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts. At his return to Mexico, secretary of public education José Vasconcelos invited him to be part of his cultural project, where he makes his first grand format sculptures at the Secretariat’s central courtyard. By 1922 he had the sculpting professorship of the National Institute of Fine Arts, and he was awarded the project for the making of the Monumento a la Patria, at the Pérgolas Garden of the Chapultepec Castle. Five years later, he united with other Mexican sculptors including Francisco Marín, Luis Albarrán y Pliego, Federico Canessi, and Ernesto Tamariz; to form a society protecting the interests of Mexican sculptors without interfering with the authentic foreign values that were introduced into Mexican culture by the works of Francisco Zúñiga and Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt.

His sculptures are found in public spaces throughout Mexico and international museums and private collections.

Additional information




24.2 lb


21.5 in


10 in


9.5 in
